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From Dr. Albert Schweitzer :

"Any religion or philosophy which is not based on a respect for life is not a true religion or philosophy." . . . "Just as white light consists of colored rays, so Reverence for Life contains all the components of ethics: love, kindness, sympathy, empathy, peacefulness, and a power to forgive."

Friday, January 19, 2007

The People God Chose

The people God chose to do His will were fallible and often sinful.

I think this is one of the greatest truths in the Bible. God chose real people. They didn't have glowing halos like in the paintings. They were real, fallible, and often full of sin. This makes the Word truly alive and livable. While many did miracles and wondrous things, they were still people. Take a look at these:

Abraham lied twice to avoid death, claiming Sarah was his sister instead of his wife. (Gen 12:13 & 20:2 - Truth be known, she was his half sister).

Lot while in a drunken stupor impregnated his two daughters (Gen 19:36).

Jacob stole Esau's inheritance (Gen 25:30-31) and lied to his father, Isaac, on his death bed (Gen 27:19). He deceived and lied to Laban, his father in law and Uncle during the 14 years he lived and worked for him Gen 30:32-35).

What goes around comes around, Laban did the famous 'switcheroo' on Jacob. Jacob, lost in love with Rachel, his cousin, and set to wed her, woke up with Leah in the wedding bed on the day after. Old Laban did the switch in the dark (Gen 29:25 - Must have been quite a party!).

Joseph, favored son of Jacob and Rachel, lost the love of his brothers due to his favored status and to his bragging about his ability to interpret dreams (Gen 37:3-5). Then, in Egypt, he deceived them on their first visit, not admitting he was their long lost brother (Gen 42:7).

Saul, the first king of Israel, disobeyed God (1 Chron 10:13). Then he tried repeatedly to kill David, God's appointed king (1 Sam 19:1).

David sent a loyal soldier to certain death so he could marry his wife (2 Sam 11:26,27).

Isaac ran around bare foot and naked for three years, until his prophecy was fulfilled (Isa 20:2-3).

Jonah did time in a Whale for disobeying God (Jonah 1).

Then there were the Disciples who with all their virtues also had their faults:

Peter, "Upon this rock", was impulsive (Matt 14:28), cowardly (Matt 14:30, 26:69-74, Gal 2:11-12), and hot tempered (John 18:10).

James the Elder, was vengeful and fiery (Luke 9:54), Selfish and conceited (Mark 10:35-37).

John was vengeful and fiery (Luke 9:54), Judgmental (Mark 9:38, 39), selfish (Mark 10:35-37).

Matthew was a hated tax collector for the Romans before he became a disciple (Matt 9:9 & 10:13).

And Thomas, of course, was doubtful (John 20:24, 25).

Judas, we all know that story.

The list could go on and on from Adam until the twenty first century. The point being: That knowing these fallible sometimes sinful people were chosen by God to do His Will, makes it easier to realize that we are also chosen by God to do His will.

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